How I Use Podsmart AI and its AI Assistant

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Alex Venture - User Advocate

Sep 19, 2024

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Podsmart AI uses AI to summarize podcast episodes and help you stay up to date and learn about the topics you love. In this blog post, I'll share how I use Podsmart AI to use our AI Chatbot to better integrate the episode's content.

Summarizing Podcasts

This is a great way to get the key points of a podcast without having to listen to the entire thing or take notes while pausing and resuming the episode. Soooo convenient…trust me, I've tried. I often use this feature when I want to dig deeper into some episode's content, or get be able to get an overview of the whole episode.

Let's say I want to refer to the contents of an episode I am listening to. To summarize it, I just copy the Share link from my episode, and paste it into the Add Media section on the Dashboard. One or two clicks, and Podsmart AI will then generate a summary of the episode, which I can read as I listen to the source. The audio player shows me where in the episode certain topics are discussed, and I can jump directly there to listen to it.

The summaries are not 100% perfect, but definitely better than some other ones out there, and include TL;DR and Topics sections, and a AI chatbot trained on the episode's content;

  • The "too long; didn't read" section brings up the main points, insights or take-aways of the episode.

  • The Topics section highlights the key issues discussed, and tells you where these insights come from.

How I Use Podsmart AI to Learn

Most useful is that I can interact with an AI assistant on the summary page. Every summary has a little AI chat bot that I can talk to and discuss the episode's content. Do I need a quiz to test out my understanding of the content? Boom! Chatbot. Do I need concepts explained differently? Boom! Chatbot. Whatever you can think of...the little chat bot can help. This is a great way to learn more about a topic or to get clarification on something that you didn't understand.

Summary page screenshot

To use this feature, click on the "Ask AI" on the right of the episode’s summary page. 

Here's an example dialogue flow I had with the AI-assistant trained on an episode of a popular series I like to listen to;

  • Me: Can you explain the concept of intermittent fasting, one of the key points of this episode?

  • AI Assistant: Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. The speaker discussed various methods of intermittent fasting, such as the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour window.

  • Me: What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

  • AI Assistant: The speaker mentioned several potential benefits of intermittent fasting, including weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and cellular repair processes. However, they also cautioned that intermittent fasting may not be suitable for everyone and that it's important to consult a doctor before starting any new diet.

  • Me: What are some tips for getting a good night's sleep?

  • AI Assistant: The speaker offered several tips for improving sleep quality, including establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoiding caffeine and electronic devices before bed. They also highlighted the importance of a comfortable sleep environment.

The chat has a few suggestions to get you started, and you can type in your own questions. I've found that this can be very helpful in understanding a podcast episode better.

I use Podsmart AI for both work and hobbies. I am a big History nerd, and it's soooo convenient to grab a long, complex episode, get the summary and interact with the AI Chatbot.

Episode summary page from Dashboard

I often listen to podcasts about my industry, and use Podsmart AI to summarize the episodes and to ask questions about the content.


Podsmart AI is a powerful tool that can help you learn about topics that interest you. I encourage you to try Podsmart AI and see how it can help you learn and grow.


Alex Venture
User Advocate, Podsmart AI

Podsmart AI

Smart media summaries.

Copyright (c) 2024 by Podsmart AI

Podsmart AI

Smart media summaries.

Copyright (c) 2024 by Podsmart AI